Analyse van de marktstatus van de industrie voor titaniumverwerkingsmaterialen in China in 2022


Production: It has been growing increasingly for many years.

        As titanium has the outstanding characteristics of low density, high specific strength, low thermal conductivity, good high temperature and low temperature resistance, strong corrosion resistance and so on, which was first applied in aerospace and other high-tech fields, now its application field has been expanded to chemical industry, petroleum, electric power, seawater desalination, construction, daily applications and other fields, known as modern metal, strategic metal.

        Titanium industry plays an important role in the development of national economy and it is of strategic significance to the development of national defense, economy and science and technology. It is an important raw material industry to support the progress of cutting-edge science and technology, and is also the basic industry for the development of national economy and industrial upgrading. China attaches great importance to the development of titanium industry, which is supported by the nation and local governments at all levels. At present, only the United States, Russia, Japan and China have mastered the complete titanium industrial production technology. In 2021, China's output of ilmenite was 2.857 million tons, up 5% year on year, among which the output in Panxi area accounted for 87.2%.

        In 2021, the domestic titanium industry market as a whole was on the upturn, the middle and low-end product market will benefit from the demand promotion of PTA and chemical industry, showing a significant growth trend year on year. The high-end product market will benefit from the upgrading of aerospace and other fields, the influence of localization, strong demand, therefore titanium industry market continues a steady growth trend. According to the Non-ferrous Metals Industry Association statistics of 29 major titanium processing materials manufacturers in China: in 2021, the output of titanium processing materials in China has maintained positive growth for 7 years, with the output of 135,900 tons, up 40.1% year on year. The reasons for such a large increase: increasing market demand, leading enterprises continue to expand output, and the statistical caliber was adjusted in 2021.

        From the perspective of production structure, plate has always been the main variety in the output of titanium processing materials, with the output reaching 70,130 tons in 2021, up 21.7% year on year, accounting for 51.6% of the total output of titanium processing materials. Followed by bar and pipe. The output of 2021 will achieve a significant growth and the output is 24,974 tons and 15,402 tons, with an increase of 60.6% and 62.3% respectively.

Demand Status: Dominated by chemical and aerospace applications

        With the continuous development of China's high-end manufacturing industry, the sales volume of titanium processing materials in China has increased rapidly, from 43,700 tons in 2015 to 124,500 tons in 2021, and the demand is gradually high-end. However, the limited production technology in China leads to insufficient capacity of high-end products in the market, and the competition between middle and low-end products is fierce, and the contradiction between product assimilation and homogeneity is still obvious. The structure of supply and demand still needs further improvement. With the strategic adjustment of national economic structure and industrial transformation and upgrading, in the future, titanium industry in aviation, aerospace, large aircraft, ships, petrochemical, information technology, high-end equipment manufacturing, new energy, new materials, titanium for domestic use, deep sea and other industries, still have great market development opportunities, demand will further grow, but the demand in aerospace and military industry is mainly high-end products, which threshold are high, so most companies hardly enjoy the dividends it brings.

        Chemical industry is the largest application field of titanium material industry in China, such as condenser and air-cooling heat exchanger in oil refining production, cooling tube and titanium anode in chlor-alkali industry, and main structural parts of electrolytic cell equipment in electrolytic cell industry and electroplating industry. In 2021, the demand for titanium processing materials in this field was 58,591 tons, accounting for 47.1% of the total sales volume. Aerospace and aviation take second place. In recent years, with the rapid progress of technology in China's aerospace field, the demand for titanium processing materials in this field also maintains a rapid growth, the demand is 224.5 million tons, up 30.3% year on year, accounting for 18.0%, which can be applied to rocket engine shell parts, liquid fuel engine combustion chamber, docking parts and engine boom in aerospace, aircraft engine blades, shields, ribs, wings, landing gear, etc.

Import and export situation

        The processing technology of titanium materials in China has been continuously improved, and the international recognition has been improved. The export quantity is much larger than the import quantity, and in 2021, the trade deficit will be successfully changed into trade surplus, and the country has achieved self-sufficiency in middle and low-end products. In the first half of 2022, China exported 12,800 tons of titanium processing materials, the export value was 356 million US dollars, and the average price was 27,800 US dollars/ton. However, due to technology limitations, there is still a large gap in the high-end trading market and a high degree of import dependence. In the first half of 2022, the import quantity is 0.35 million tons and the amount is 276 million US dollars, with an average price of 79.0 US dollars/kg.

        In terms of import value in 2021, China mainly imported from the US, Japan, Russia and other countries. China imported $173 million from the US, accounting for 36.7% of the total and imported $86 million US dollars from Japan and $40 million US dollars from the Russian Federation, mainly because the development level of these three places is in the forefront of the world and they have mastered complete titanium industrial production technology.

        In terms of export value, China Taiwan, the United States, Germany and other places are the main export places of titanium materials in China. In 2021, the export value is 59 million US dollars, 55 million US dollars and 45 million US dollars respectively, accounting for nearly 30% of the total export value.

        Titanium industry in Shaanxi Province has developed rapidly and is an important base for the development of titanium industry in China. The export scale of titanium processing materials in Shaanxi Province accounts for nearly half of the country. In 2021, the export value of titanium processing materials in Shaanxi Province reached 263 million US dollars, up 22.4% year on year, accounting for 46.8% of the nation in total. It is followed by Jiangsu Province, Shanghai and Guangdong Province, accounting for 12.0%, 8.3% and 7.2% respectively.

        In the future, with the continuous development of China's aerospace, military and other high-end manufacturing industry, the demand for high-end titanium products will continue to improve, the national attention to high-end products is deepening, enterprises and research institutions will continue to increase the research and development of high-end products, China's titanium industry will quickly become high-end industry, which will help China develop intelligent manufacturing technology.

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